Impuls JP2, Christmas

Excerpts from the blessing ‘Urbi Et Orbi’ by Pope John Paul II from 1978

‘Glory to God in the highest’. God has come close to us. He is in our midst. He is a human being. He was born in Bethlehem. He lies in a manger because there was no room for him in the inn. His name: Jesus! His mission: Christ! (…) He is our peace! Peace for the people! Peace for the people he loves. ‘Peace among the people with whom He is well pleased!’. I cordially invite everyone to join the Pope in praying for peace. Merry Christmas to all people! I greet you, sisters and brothers, who sincerely seek the truth, who are hungry and thirsty for justice, who long for goodness and joy, with all my heart and with sincere respect. To you, fathers and mothers of families; to you, young people; to you, children; to you, infants; to you, the poor, the sick; to you, the elderly; to you, prisoners; and to all those who cannot spend Christmas with their families, with their loved ones.

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